

2024 - 25
collective - Air de repos (Breathwork), curated by Cédric Fauq, CAPC Bordeaux (FR)


collective - Working Title: I ♡ Artists & Oceans, Belmacz, London (UK)


Solo & Two-Person Exhibitions:

Rituals, Mutter, Amsterdam (NL)

Lunar Practices, curated by Yue Yuan with b09k, Changsha (CHN)
Acts 0 — 9, 10n, Bruxelles (BE)
Entrée Libre, curated by Vincent Verlé, OpenSpace, Nancy (FR)

JunkSpace, curated by Corey Bartle-Sanderson & Steven Gee, Piccalilli, Londres (UK)
From Above, As a Rain, curated by Emmanuel Lambion, BN Project, Maison Grégoire, Bruxelles (BE)
My, Our, Yours, curated by Maud Salembier, FWB booth, Art Brussels, Bruxelles (BE)
Connected Vessels, curated by César Lecoq, Rolabola, Rouen (FR)

Elements, Library, Florence Loewy, Paris (FR)

R. W. Rye, with Céline Mathieu, Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris (FR)
Jusqu’à l’envers, curated by Rosario Caltabiano, 22,48m2, Paris (FR)
A Lukewarm B, Spazio Orr, Brescia (IT)

Intended Earshot, Coherent, The Others Art Fair, Turin (IT)
Potentiality of Ten, L21, Palma (ES)

Code Art Fair, with Zach Bruder, Monteverita, Copenhagen (DA)

Selected Collective Exhibitions:

resbalar (una cosa), curated by Iñigo Villafranca Apesteguia & Lorenzo Galgó, Can Félipa, Barcelona (ES)
Seating Arrangment, curated by Vivien Kämpf & Robert Bergmann, UA26, Vienna (AUT)
I’ll give it to someone special, Sans Titre, Paris (FR)
Boom Town, curated by Anna Helena Marckwald & Ruth Magers, Etta, Düsseldorf (DE)
Still Making Art Volume Seven, curated by Aaron McLaughlin, Arti et Amicitiae, Amsterdam (NL)
He Needs Me, curated by Collection Veys-Verhaevert, Losange, Brussels (BE)
Lunar Practices, curated by Yue Yuan with B09k, Bananafish, Shangai (CHN)

Lavenders Snows, curated by Maud Salembier, La Traverse by Catherine Bastide, Marseille (FR)
Restes de Traces, curated by Eladio Aguilera Hermoso, Tour D’Orion, Paris (FR)

Les Lézards, Prix ArtNorac, curated by Elena Cardin, Frac Bretagne (FR)
The Golden Fang, curated by Fiona Vilmer, Pauline Perplexe, Paris (FR)

Como la misma Vida, curated by Renato D. Poeta y Aurélien Le G., Barcelone(SP)
How does one thing of nothing, curated by Eduardo Lopez, FF Projects, Mexico (MX)
Doppelgänger, curated by Pauline Salinas & Hervé Charles, Kanal Centre Pompidou, Bruxelles (BE)
Super Hall, Magma Maria, Frankfurt (DE)
Printtemps, curated by Baptiste Caccia & Edouard Wolton, Fondation Fiminco, Paris (FR)
Bye Bye His-Story, curated by Emmanuel Lambion, CGII, La Louvière (BE)

Casa Dolce Casa, curated by Rosario Caltabiano, 22,48 m2, Paris (FR)
Private Song, curated by Honggyun Mok, Doosan Art Center, Séoul (KR)
Les choses d’ici-bas, curated by Fabrice Schneider and Florin Filleul, Duflon Racz, Bruxelles (BE)

Commun Imaginaire, curated by Vincent Verlé, Nancy (FR)
Revoir encore un été, curated by Hubert Marot, l’Echo des vagues, Ile d’Yeu (FR)
Lockers Vol.3, curated by Diego Diez & Borja Llobregat, Bozar, Bruxelles (BE)
Natural Blood Circulation, curated by Cameron Macleod, Aldea, Bergen (NO)

L’Économie des apostrophes, curated by Julie Pellegrin, La Ferme du Buisson, Noisiel (FR)
Process Time, curated by Vincent Verlé, Musée de l’Histoire du fer, Nancy (FR)
On Materiality, Dash, curated by Joachim Coucke, Kortrijk (BE)
Arco Art Fair, L21, Madrid (SP)

La Norme Idéale, Levy Delval, Brussels (BE)
20cm from the ground, L21, Palma (SP)
62e Salon de Montrouge, curated by Ami Barak and Marie Gautier, Beffroi, Montrouge (FR)

What about the color pink? Do you like pink?, Geukens & De Vil, Knokke-Het Zoute (BE)
F/F, curated by Théophile Calot, Néon, Lyon (FR)
Point of View, Kunsthal Charlottenborg, Copenhagen (DA)

Friendly Faces, curated by Middlemarch, Johannes Vogt, New York City (US)
Forme e Anti forme, curated by Hans M. De Wolf, Fonderia Artistica Battaglia, Milan (IT)
Family Matters, De la charge, Brussels (BE)

Midway through the journey, neither here nor there, curated by Thomas Caron & Ward Heirwegh,Antwerp (BE)
And He Built A Crooked House, curated by Sungpil Yoon, 221A, Vancouver (CA)
The Stanley parable, Levy Delval, Brussels (BE)


Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris (FR)

CCA Andratx, Palma (ES)
Hangar, Centro de Investigação Artística, Lisbon (PT)
Aldea, commissariat Curatron, Bergen (NO)

Curatorial & Artist Residency Program, May, L21, Palma (SP)

Dar Al-Ma’mûn, November, April until May, Marrakech (MA)